Creating a Django-Oscar App with Dashboard (Part 2)

Farid Musa
Level Up Coding
Published in
6 min readMar 17, 2021


In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to create a dashboard for Oscar’s e-commerce framework. This tutorial starts where the first part ended.

Creating a Django-Oscar dashboard app to manage boutiques

Let’s create a new app called dashboard inside the boutique app directory:

mkdir boutique/dashboard

Then initialize a new Django app using the following command:

python startapp dashboard boutique/dashboard

You can delete, and, because these are not required for the Oscar's dashboard app.

Once again after the dashboard app is created, it is necessary to register the app in INSTALLED_APPS in as shown below:


If you run server at this moment it will not work as you need to first complete the app configurations.

In the first part, we had a commented-out line in our myoscarproject/ Now that the dashboard app is created we need to uncomment it as shown below:

from django.apps import apps
from django.urls import include, path
from django.contrib import admin
urlpatterns = [
path('dashboard/boutique/', apps.get_app_config('boutique_dashboard').urls),

However, at this point label, boutique_dashboard is not associated with any configuration. Therefore, let's move on and create the Boutique Dashboard Oscar app config.

App configs for the Boutique’s dashboard

Configuration for boutique dashboard app is similar to configs from the first part of this tutorial. With few additions as shown below:

from django.urls import path
from oscar.core.application import OscarDashboardConfig
from oscar.core.loading import get_class
class DashboardConfig(OscarDashboardConfig):
name = 'boutique.dashboard'
label = 'boutique_dashboard'
namespace = 'boutique-dashboard'
default_permissions = ['is_staff'] def ready(self):
self.boutique_list_view = get_class(
'boutique.dashboard.views', 'DashboardBoutiqueListView')
self.boutique_create_view = get_class(
'boutique.dashboard.views', 'DashboardBoutiqueCreateView')
self.boutique_update_view = get_class(
'boutique.dashboard.views', 'DashboardBoutiqueUpdateView')
self.boutique_delete_view = get_class(
'boutique.dashboard.views', 'DashboardBoutiqueDeleteView')
def get_urls(self):
urls = [
path('', self.boutique_list_view.as_view(), name='boutique-list'),
path('create/', self.boutique_create_view.as_view(),
path('update/<int:pk>/', self.boutique_update_view.as_view(),
path('delete/<int:pk>/', self.boutique_delete_view.as_view(),
return self.post_process_urls(urls)

One important point in this configuration is to change the label parameter. The Django Oscar's default dashboard app conflicts withDashboardConfigthe Boutique dashboard app. Django's documentation state that:

“AppConfig.label defaults to the last component of name."

Therefore, it is necessary to choose a different label boutique_dashboard in order to "tell" Django that this dashboard app is different from Oscar's built-in dashboard app.

Another difference between dashboard app config from primary boutique app config is the default_permissions parameter. This parameter sets Oscar's dashboard permissions for this dashboard app. Since the Oscar has multiple user permission levels like one that has Fulfilment Parters, setting this parameter is_staff disables access to this dashboard for any user except c users like super-users.

Forms for the Boutique’s dashboard app

First, it is necessary to create forms for your custom dashboard app. Create a file in boutique/dashboard directory and add the following code:

from django import forms
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from oscar.core.loading import get_model
Boutique = get_model('boutique', 'Boutique')class DashboardBoutiqueSearchForm(forms.Form):
name = forms.CharField(label=_('Boutique name'), required=False)
city = forms.CharField(label=_('City'), required=False)
def is_empty(self):
d = getattr(self, 'cleaned_data', {})
def empty(key): return not d.get(key, None)
return empty('name') and empty('city')
def apply_city_filter(self, qs, value):
words = value.replace(',', ' ').split()
q = [Q(city__icontains=word) for word in words]
return qs.filter(*q)
def apply_name_filter(self, qs, value):
return qs.filter(name__icontains=value)
def apply_filters(self, qs):
for key, value in self.cleaned_data.items():
if value:
qs = getattr(self, 'apply_%s_filter' % key)(qs, value)
return qs
class DashboardBoutiqueCreateUpdateForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Boutique
fields = ('name', 'manager', 'city')

In the code above DashboardBoutiqueSearchForm is a form to filter Boutique instances in the dashboard. We design our form so that it can filter by model's city and name fields. The form DashboardBoutiqueCreateUpdateForm is the create and update form required to create or edit a boutique instance. This form inherits Django's default forms.ModelForm so it is relatively simple to make it work.

Views for the Boutique’s dashboard app

There are four different views required to deploy a custom Oscar dashboard. These are:

  • View to list boutique instances DashboardBoutiqueListView
  • View to create a new boutique instance DashboardBoutiqueCreateView
  • View to update/edit a boutique instance DashboardBoutiqueUpdateView
  • View to delete a boutique instance DashboardBoutiqueDeleteView

Prior to moving on to the views add the following code to the head of a the file of the boutique's dashboard app:

from django.contrib import messages
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from django.utils.translation import gettext
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.views import generic
from oscar.core.loading import get_class, get_model
Boutique = get_model('boutique', 'Boutique')
BoutiqueCreateUpdateForm = get_class(
'boutique.dashboard.forms', 'DashboardBoutiqueCreateUpdateForm')
DashboardBoutiqueSearchForm = get_class(
'boutique.dashboard.forms', 'DashboardBoutiqueSearchForm')

Listing Boutique instances in the dashboard

Listing boutique instances in a custom dashboard app is no different than any other Django app. The list view inherits Django’s generic.ListView as shown in the following code:

class DashboardBoutiqueListView(generic.ListView):
model = Boutique
template_name = "dashboard/boutique/boutique_list.html"
context_object_name = "boutique_list"
paginate_by = 20
filterform_class = DashboardBoutiqueSearchForm
def get_title(self):
data = getattr(self.filterform, 'cleaned_data', {})
name = data.get('name', None)
city = data.get('city', None)
if name and not city:
return gettext('Boutiques matching "%s"') % (name)
elif name and city:
return gettext('Boutiques matching "%s" near "%s"') % (name, city)
elif city:
return gettext('Boutiques near "%s"') % (city)
return gettext('Boutiques')
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
data = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
data['filterform'] = self.filterform
data['queryset_description'] = self.get_title()
return data
def get_queryset(self):
qs = self.model.objects.all()
self.filterform = self.filterform_class(self.request.GET)
if self.filterform.is_valid():
qs = self.filterform.apply_filters(qs)
return qs

The only non-trivial part of the code above is the additional parameter, filterform_class, which is essentially a parameter that is recognized and processed by Oscar's templates.

Creating Boutique instances in the dashboard

Similarly, the view responsible for creating the boutique instances inherits generic.CreateView and is shown in the following code:

class DashboardBoutiqueCreateView(generic.CreateView):
model = Boutique
template_name = 'dashboard/boutique/boutique_update.html'
form_class = BoutiqueCreateUpdateForm
success_url = reverse_lazy('boutique-dashboard:boutique-list')
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
ctx = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
ctx['title'] = _('Create new boutique')
return ctx
def forms_invalid(self, form, inlines):
"Your submitted data was not valid - please correct the below errors")
return super().forms_invalid(form, inlines)
def forms_valid(self, form, inlines):
response = super().forms_valid(form, inlines)
msg = render_to_string('dashboard/boutique/messages/boutique_saved.html',
{'boutique': self.object})
messages.success(self.request, msg, extra_tags='safe')
return response

In the code above, the parameter success_url is assigned to reverse_lazy and not reverse because the URL will be evaluated lazily(or when required). Moreover, Oscar uses Django's built-in messages framework to pass success and fail messages to the templates. The messages are handled in corresponding methods forms_invalid and forms_valid.

Updating Boutique instances in the dashboard

View for updating Boutique instance is very similar to create a view and uses the same template but inherits generic.UpdateView instead.

class DashboardBoutiqueUpdateView(generic.UpdateView):
model = Boutique
template_name = "dashboard/boutique/boutique_update.html"
form_class = BoutiqueCreateUpdateForm
success_url = reverse_lazy('boutique-dashboard:boutique-list')
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
ctx = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
ctx['title'] =
return ctx
def forms_invalid(self, form, inlines):
"Your submitted data was not valid - please correct the below errors")
return super().forms_invalid(form, inlines)
def forms_valid(self, form, inlines):
msg = render_to_string('dashboard/boutique/messages/boutique_saved.html',
{'boutique': self.object})
messages.success(self.request, msg, extrforms_valida_tags='safe')
return super().forms_valid(form, inlines)

Deleting Boutique instances from the dashboard

Delete view is rather simple compared to others and it inherits Django’s generic.DeleteView as shown below:

class DashboardBoutiqueDeleteView(generic.DeleteView):
model = Boutique
template_name = "dashboard/boutique/boutique_delete.html"
success_url = reverse_lazy('boutique-dashboard:boutique-list')

Finally, now that views are completed we can move on to templates.

Templates for the Boutique’s dashboard app

For templates let’s first create a directory /src/templates/dashboard. In this directory, we must implement three-view templates and one message template:

  • Template for list view: /dashboard/boutique/boutique_list.html
  • Template for update view: /dashboard/boutique/boutique_update.html
  • Template for delete view: /dashboard/boutique/boutique_delete.html
  • Message template: /dashboard/boutique/messages/boutique_saved.html

Templates are implemented the same way as was described in the first part of this tutorial except that these templates must extend different base layout,{% extends 'oscar/dashboard/layout.html' %}. Since templates are long you can find them in the Git repository of this tutorial. After templates are ready the following screen will be available when you go to URL:

Adding “Boutiques” navigation item to Django-Oscar’s dashboard

Finally, after Boutiques are ready we need to add a navigation item to Oscar’s dashboard navigation. Luckily, Django-Oscar provides a very easy way to do this. You need to add the following code to the settings but make sure that it comes after importing Oscar’s defaults:

from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _... # Django's Other Settingsfrom oscar.defaults import *OSCAR_DASHBOARD_NAVIGATION.append({
'label': _('Boutiques'),
'icon': 'fas fa-store',
'url_name': 'boutique-dashboard:boutique-list',

Once the navigation item is added you will get the following screen when entering your Oscar Dashboard:


At the end of this tutorial, you should be able to create a brand new Django Oscar app with a working dashboard and everything. I hope this tutorial was helpful for the reader and made one’s life easier while learning such an amazing e-commence framework like Django-Oscar.

Source code of this tutorial can be found in my Git repository here

Originally published at on March 17, 2021.

